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Must-Have Tool For Stargardts Disease - Dr. Lite Product Review

Author: Kaytee B, Stargardts Advocate, Content Creator & Fundraiser

I was recently contacted by Dr.Lite Medical Technology who asked if they could send me a clarity magnifying lamp in exchange for an honest product review on how I found using it as someone living with sight loss. I couldn’t wait to try out the lamp and see how it might help me daily with my central vision loss. 

When the lamp first arrived, I noticed that it was very well packaged, and the lamp was very easy to set up and attach to the table. You can adjust to fit to different thickness and it will even attach to the thinnest of tables. The lamp head has a handle and the arm of the lamp is height adjustable and can also be moved from side to side which enables easy positioning and placement. The magnifying lens is covered and protected by a lid that is easy to open and close and there is a button next to it that adjusts the light settings. There are 3 light settings and the highest one is very bright which was great for me. The brilliant thing about Dr Lite lamps is that they are designed to protect your eyes from harmful blue light and the lighting designed to illuminate them, shouldn’t cause any eye strain, headaches or sleep issues, so this was another bonus for me with Stargardts as I worry about the effects of certain lighting on my eyes and some really cause me headaches, but this hasn’t happened whilst using this product. 

The lamps magnification is 175% and this with the lighting, made things I would never usually be able to read, much more visible. I trialled the lamp with a book my son enjoys looking at and reading and I could see the diagrams and the writing much more clearer. 

The lamp itself doesn’t take up much space at all, and as it can be moved around into different positions, it can be easily left out discreetly on a table until needed. It is easy to pack away though or move about to another table if desired. 

I am really pleased with this product and feel it will really help me in my day to day life with certain things that have become too difficult. I noticed my nails look so clear under this lamp with the fullest light setting and I can’t wait to try painting my them, as this is something I stuggle to do usually. I would highly recommend this lamp to someone with sight loss like myself and I truly can’t wait to continue to use it in my daily life.

***Use Kaytee's code FF15KB for 15% off any product on our site, including sale items.***

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