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Our Story

For years, people with low vision or deteriorating eye health were told full-spectrum lighting would improve their eyesight. However, users complained of dry, tired eyes when using this light.

In 2011, Dr. Lite Medical Technology founders, along with board-certified optometric physician Dr. Edward Huggett and MD Support Director Dan Roberts, began researching the effects of artificial and full-spectrum lighting. Based on more than 5 years of field testing, they found high concentrations of blue light in artificial light sources cause eye strain and visual insufficiency.

That’s why Dr. Lite designed a premier line of lamps offering the most balanced spectrum light to reduce risk of cataracts, early macular degeneration, vision loss, and insomnia. Our medical-grade, doctor-recommended products keep eyes healthy by reducing blue light exposure.
reduce risk of cataracts early macular degeneration vision loss and insomnia
premier line of lamps offering the most balanced spectrum light to reduce risk of cataracts, early macular degeneration, vision loss, and insomnia

Our Technology

We care about your eye health

Dr. Lite is the first and only company to offer a MEDICAL-GRADE, doctor-recommended line of products designed to keep eyes healthy and prevent damage caused by blue light exposure.

Our lamps also:

Eliminate harmful UV and blue light with custom LEDs and patented blue light-absorbing filters
Minimize flicker and glare to reduce headaches and red eyes
Enhance visual clarity with balanced spectrum lighting for reading, working and more
Promote better sleep by filtering blue light and maintaining melatonin needed for a good night’s rest
Improve focus by reducing blue light exposure that causes overstimulation and hyperactivity
Blue light protection
While low-cost LED bulbs are energy-efficient and long-lasting, they emit highs levels of harmful blue light—the effect is similar to radiation to your eyes.
Flicker and glare-free lighting
Long hours of screen time under artificial lighting causes eye-strain, headaches, computer vision syndrome and early-stage eye diseases that may lead to vision loss.
Balanced spectrum
Aging eyes require different levels of lighting and brightness for certain tasks.
Better sleep
Overexposure to blue light from digital devices and artificial lighting inhibits melatonin production and can disrupt sleep cycles.
“I have really loved using the (Clarity) Craft Light. I will recommend it to a lot of my macular degeneration patients. It is easy to use, has the dual purpose of a light and a magnifier, and its hands-free. It is great not only for crafts but also for those with arthritis or diminished dexterity. Thank you Dr. Lite!”
Ashley Crane, MD
Retina Vitreous Associates of FL
Saint Petersburg, FL 33711
sales1@drliteusa.com1(800) 388 - 7541+8675583450846
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